USER-ID attribute

The non-qualified user ID (user name) associated with a client-principal object. You must set this attribute before you can seal the associated client-principal object with the:

Data type: CHARACTER

Access: Readable/Writeable

Applies to: Client-principal object handle

Any value you assign to this attribute cannot contain the domain delimiter character ("@"). You can assign the empty string ("") to this attribute. Any other requirements for setting this value depend on the authentication system used to authenticate the user identity. For more information on authentication systems and user ID's, see OpenEdge Getting Started: Identity Management.

Note: To authenticate the user identity for a valid setting of this attribute, the code page of the authenticating user account system must match the setting of the CPINTERNAL attribute on the SESSION system handle.

This attribute can be set using the INITIALIZE( ) method or the QUALIFIED-USER-ID attribute. Writing this attribute directly overwrites any value previously set by any mechanism.

If the attribute has never been initialized, reading it returns the empty string (""). Otherwise, it returns the most recent value set through the INITIALIZE( ) method, QUALIFIED-USER-ID attribute, or the USER-ID attribute, itself.

Once the client-principal object is sealed, this attribute is read-only, and attempting to write to it raises a run-time error.

ABL also raises ERROR if you attempt to assign:

See also

DOMAIN-NAME attribute, INITIALIZE( ) method, QUALIFIED-USER-ID attribute