ADD-NEW-FIELD( ) method

Adds a field with the specified properties to the temp-table. Additional properties can be manipulated by creating a buffer-field object for this field.

This method cannot be called after TEMP-TABLE-PREPARE( ) has been called unless CLEAR( ) is called first.

Return type: LOGICAL

Applies to: Temp-table object handle


ADD-NEW-FIELD ( field-name-exp , datatype-exp[ , extent-exp[ , format-exp 
  [ , initial-exp[ , label-exp[ , column-label-exp ]]]]] )
A character expression that evaluates to the name of the field to be created in the temp-table.
A character expression that evaluates to the data type of the specified field.
An integer expression specifying the extent of an array. If extent-exp is 0, 1 or the Unknown value (?), it is ignored.
A character expression that evaluates to the data format for the defined data type. If format-exp is "" or the Unknown value (?), it is ignored and the default format of the specified data type is used.
An expression that evaluates to the initial value of the defined field. initial-exp can be any compatible data type, but is usually character. If initial-exp is not entered, the default for the data type is used.
An optional character expression that evaluates to the label of the defined field. If you do not specify a value, or you pass the Unknown value (?), label-exp defaults to the value of the field-name-exp parameter.
An optional character expression that evaluates to the label of the column associated with the defined field. If you do not specify a value, or you pass the Unknown value (?), column-label-exp defaults to the value of the label-exp parameter (or the field-name-exp parameter, if the label-exp parameter is not specified).

The following example fragment adds a new character field called "abfield" which is initialized to "abc" to a temp-table:

Note: There is a limit to the number of fields that can be accommodated in a temp-table object. The limit depends on how large the field information (initial value, validate information, help messages, etc.) is, but you should plan on a limit of approximately 1,000 fields.