Returns, as an INTEGER value, the number of characters, bytes, or columns in a string, an expression of type RAW, or a BLOB field.
There are three valid types: "CHARACTER," "RAW," and "COLUMN." The expression "CHARACTER" indicates that the length is measured in characters, including double-byte characters. The expression "RAW" indicates that the length is measured in bytes. The expression "COLUMN" indicates that the length is measured in display or print character-columns. If you specify the type as a constant expression, ABL validates the type specification at compile time. If you specify the type as a non-constant expression, the AVM validates the type specification at run time.
This procedure produces a report that contains item information. Because the information on the report fills the entire width of the screen, this procedure shortens the information in the description field for each item. If the description of an item is longer than eight characters, the procedure converts the description to the first eight characters followed by ellipses.
DEFINE VARIABLE short-name AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO FORMAT "x(11)" LABEL "Desc". FOR EACH Item NO-LOCK: IF LENGTH(Item.ItemName, "CHARACTER") > 8 THEN short-name = SUBSTRING(Item.ItemName,1,8, "FIXED") + "..." . ELSE short-name = Item.ItemName. DISPLAY Item.ItemNum short-name Item.OnHand Item.Allocated Item.ReOrder Item.OnOrder Item.Price FORMAT "$>>>9.99". END. |
In this procedure, the LENGTH function returns the number of bytes in the Name of number 29. The procedure returns a 15, the number of bytes in the Name, Bug in a Rug-by.