For a session-managed application, this attribute returns the connection ID for the physical AppServer connection associated with this server handle.

For a session-free application, because there are is no single physical connection between the client and AppServer, the value of this attribute has no meaning.

For Web services, this attribute returns the empty string.

Data type: CHARACTER

Access: Read-only

Applies to: Server object handle

This value is assigned by the AppServer broker when an AppServer accepts a connection request from a client application. The AppServer broker and all AppServer agents use the connection ID as an identifier when they log any information associated with the connection.

The same connection ID is available to an ABL client application using the CLIENT-CONNECTION-ID attribute and to the AppServer agent servicing the client on the same connection using the SERVER-CONNECTION-ID attribute on the SESSION handle.

The value of the connection ID is guaranteed to be globally unique for all time within a single computer network. Connection IDs can be compared to each other strictly for equality, but other types of comparisons are irrelevant.

For a client, the connection ID of the associated AppServer connection remains the same until the client disconnects from the AppServer. If the client reconnects to the same AppServer, the connection ID of the new connection (and thus the value of the CLIENT-CONNECTION-ID attribute for that connection) is different from the connection ID of the previous connection.

Note: You can identify client context for a user login session of a session-managed or session-free application using the ClientContextId property of the Progress.Lang.OERequestInfo class.