A comma-separated list containing the names of all internal procedures and user-defined functions defined in the procedure associated with the specified handle. Returns the Unknown value (?) for a Web service procedure or proxy procedure.

Data type: CHARACTER

Access: Read-only

Applies to: Procedure object handle, SOURCE-PROCEDURE system handle, TARGET-PROCEDURE system handle, THIS-PROCEDURE system handle

If you supply a handle to a procedure that defines no internal procedures or user-defined functions, the value of INTERNAL-ENTRIES is the null string ("").

For more information on proxy handles and remote procedures, see OpenEdge Application Server: Developing AppServer Applications.

Note: The list provided by INTERNAL-ENTRIES does not contain the name of any internal procedure defined using the PROCEDURE statement's PRIVATE option. Similarly, the list does not contain the name of any user-defined function defined using the FUNCTION statement's PRIVATE option. However, if the procedure object handle is equal to THIS-PROCEDURE, INTERNAL-ENTRIES returns all internal procedures and user-defined functions, including those defined as PRIVATE.