Indicates whether or not the XML parser (DOM or SAX) will attempt to resolve an external entity if the entity is located outside of the directories in the SCHEMA-PATH attribute of the given SAX-reader or X-document object handle.

Data type: LOGICAL

Access: Readable/Writable

Applies to: SAX-reader object handle, X-document object handle

If STRICT-ENTITY-RESOLUTION is TRUE, the parser will NOT attempt to resolve an external entity that is located outside of the directories in the SCHEMA-PATH attribute of the given SAX-reader or X-document object handle. If STRICT-ENTITY-RESOLUTION is FALSE, the parser will attempt to resolve an external entity. Setting this attribute to TRUE can help prevent an external caller from gaining access to data located in directories not included in the SCHEMA-PATH attribute.

You can set this behavior globally by using the -strictEntityResolution startup parameter. The default value of the attribute is set by the startup parameter, but you can change the attribute as needed to override the behavior set by the startup parameter. See the OpenEdge Deployment: Startup Command and Parameter Reference for more information.