ERROR-OBJECT attribute

An object reference to an instance of a class that implements the Progress.Lang.Error interface. The instance describes an ERROR condition raised by an asynchronous call to a procedure or Web service operation. This attribute holds the Unknown value (?) if there is no ERROR or relevant STOP condition.

Note: If the object reference is to an instance of Progress.Lang.StopError, it describes a STOP condition raised from an unexpected error in the asynchronous call, not an ERROR condition itself.

Data type: Class that implements the Progress.Lang.Error interface

Access: Read-only

Applies to: Asynchronous request object handle

The error or stop object the attribute references can be thrown by the server or raised in the client before anything is run on the server, for example, if there is an error in processing one of the parameters.

Compared to the ERROR-STATUS system handle , ERROR-OBJECT can accommodate user-defined error objects, thereby providing more information to the client.


See also

STOP-OBJECT attribute, Progress.Lang.Error interface, Progress.Lang.StopError class