Removes leading white space, or other specified characters, from a CHARACTER or LONGCHAR expression.
The following example shows the effect of the TRIM, LEFT-TRIM, and RIGHT-TRIM functions on a string value:
DEFINE VARIABLE ix AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE txt AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO FORMAT "X(26)" INITIAL "***** This is a test *****". DEFINE BUTTON b_left LABEL "Left Trim". DEFINE BUTTON b_right LABEL "Right Trim". DEFINE BUTTON b_trim LABEL "Trim". DEFINE BUTTON b_quit LABEL "Quit" AUTO-ENDKEY. DEFINE FRAME butt-frame txt ix LABEL "String Length" SKIP(2) b_left b_right b_trim b_quit WITH CENTERED TITLE "Original Text String". DEFINE FRAME trimed-frame txt LABEL "Trimed Text" ix LABEL "Length" WITH CENTERED. ON CHOOSE OF b_trim, b_right, b_left IN FRAME butt-frame DO: FRAME trimed-frame:TITLE = "Data After " + SELF:LABEL. DISPLAY TRIM(txt, "* ") WHEN SELF:LABEL = "Trim" @ txt LENGTH(TRIM(txt, "* ")) WHEN SELF:LABEL = "Trim" @ ix LEFT-TRIM(txt,"* ") WHEN SELF:LABEL = "Left Trim" @ txt LENGTH(LEFT-TRIM(txt,"* ")) WHEN SELF:LABEL = "Left Trim" @ ix RIGHT-TRIM(txt, "* ") WHEN SELF:LABEL = "Right Trim" @ txt LENGTH(RIGHT-TRIM(txt, "* ")) WHEN SELF:LABEL = "Right Trim" @ ix WITH FRAME trimed-frame. END. ENABLE b_left b_right b_trim b_quit WITH FRAME butt-frame. ix = LENGTH(txt). DISPLAY txt ix WITH FRAME butt-frame. WAIT-FOR CHOOSE OF b_quit IN FRAME butt-frame. |