The audit event context for a client-principal object. The AVM stores this application-defined audit context in the _Event-context field in the audit record created for an audit event generated during user authentication with the SEAL( ) method, SECURITY-POLICY:SET-CLIENT( ) method, SET-DB-CLIENT function, or AUTHENTICATION-FAILED( ) method, and with the LOGOUT( ) method. If not specified, the _Event-context field in the audit record is left blank.

You can also use this value as an alternate index for querying the audit event record.

Data type: CHARACTER

Access: Readable/Writeable

Applies to: Client-principal object handle

If not already assigned, during any OpenEdge-performed user authentication operation, OpenEdge assigns the value of this attribute (if any) from the domain configuration used to authenticate the asserted identity before sealing the client-principal object.

Once the client-principal object is sealed, this attribute is read-only, and attempting to write to it raises a run-time error.

Also, attempting to set this attribute to a value longer than 200 characters raises a run-time error.

See also

AUTHENTICATION-FAILED( ) method, LOGOUT( ) method, SEAL( ) method, SET-CLIENT( ) method, SET-DB-CLIENT function