Progress.Lang.Class provides type information about an ABL class or an interface. ABL provides a Progress.Lang.Class instance for each ABL class or interface type in the ABL session.
To obtain the object reference for the Progress.Lang.Class instance associated with a given ABL class or interface, you must call the GetClass( ) method either as an instance method on an ABL class (any Progress.Lang.Object instance except a .NET type) or as a static method of Progress.Lang.Class using the following syntax:
class-reference = object-reference:GetClass ( ).class-reference = Progress.Lang.Class:GetClass ( expression ).Where object-reference is the object reference to an ABL class instance for which you want to get the type information, expression is a CHARACTER expression that specifies the fully-qualified ABL object type name whose type information you want to get, and class-reference is the object reference for the Progress.Lang.Class instance containing that type information. For example:
You cannot explicitly delete a Progress.Lang.Class instance.
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