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LT or < operator
Returns a TRUE value if the first of two expressions is less than the second.
expression { LT | < } expression 
A constant, field or variable name, or expression. The expressions on either side of the LT or < = must be the same data type, although one can be an integer and the other decimal.
This procedure displays information for those Item records whose OnHand value is less than the Allocated value:
FOR EACH Item NO-LOCK WHERE Item.OnHand < Item.Allocated:
  DISPLAY Item.ItemNum Item.ItemName Item.OnHand Item.Allocated.
By default, the AVM uses the collation rules you specify to compare characters and sort records. The collation rules specified with the Collation Table (-cpcoll) startup parameter take precedence over a collation specified for any database the AVM accesses during the session, except when the AVM uses or modifies pre-existing indexes. If you do not specify a collation with the -cpcoll startup parameter, the AVM uses the language collation rules defined for the first database on the command line. If you do not specify a database on the command line, the AVM uses the collation rules with the default name "basic" (which might or might not exist in the convmap.cp file).
If either of the expressions is the Unknown value (?), then the result is the Unknown value (?); if both of the expressions are the Unknown value (?), then the result is FALSE.
You can use LT to compare a LONGCHAR variable to another LONGCHAR or CHARACTER variable. The variable values are converted to -cpinternal for comparison and must convert without error, or the AVM raises a run-time error.

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