STRING ( source , format )The format you want to use for the new character value. This format must be appropriate to the data type of source. If you do not use this argument, ABL uses the EXPORT format for all data types (except DATETIME and DATETIME-TZ, in which case it uses the default display format). This is useful if you want to produce left-justified numbers. For information on data display formats, see OpenEdge Getting Started: ABL Essentials.The second DISPLAY statement displays some Customer information. It uses the concatenation (+) operator to join together the values of the City, State, and PostalCode fields. If these fields were not joined together, the spacing would be different for each Customer address depending on the length of the city name.When you concatenate character fields, the AVM creates a new character field, at least for the duration of the procedure. The default display format for character expressions such as that resulting from the concatenation is x(8). This means that the AVM allows only 8 spaces for displaying the concatenation of the City, State, and PostalCode fields. The FORMAT x(22) option overrides that default x(8) format, telling the AVM to set aside 22 spaces for displaying the concatenation of the City, State, and PostalCode fields.
The STRING function is double-byte enabled. The source argument can contain double-byte data.
If source is an integer and format begins HH:MM or HH:MM:SS, STRING formats the source as a time. If the hour is greater than or equal to 12 and there is an A or an a in format, STRING subtracts 12 from the hour and converts the A or the a to a P or p (for A.M. and P.M.). The hour 0 is treated as 12 a.m., and noon is treated as 12 p.m. If you use AM/PM format, HH is replaced by a leading blank and a digit if the hour is between 0 and 9.
If source is a RAW value, you must specify an appropriate format to return the character string representation.
When source is a DATETIME or DATETIME-TZ expression, the STRING function converts the expression to a character value in the specified format. If source is a DATETIME expression, and a time zone offset is present in the format string, the character value contains the time zone offset of the session. If source is a DATETIME-TZ expression, and time zone offset is not present in the format string, the character value contains the local date and time relative to the time zone of the DATETIME-TZ value.
The STRING function converts a DATE, and the date part of a DATETIME or DATETIME-TZ, using the format specified by the DATE-FORMAT attribute or the Date Format (-d) startup parameter.For more information about the Date Format (-d) startup parameter, see OpenEdge Deployment: Startup Command and Parameter Reference.
You can use the STRING function to convert an object reference for a class instance to a character value. The STRING function implicitly calls the ToString( ) method of the class to convert the specified object reference.
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