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Progress.Data.DataType enumeration class

(Windows only; GUI for .NET only)
An enumeration whose members indicate the ABL built-in data types that are valid for use with the Progress.Data.BindingSource class (the ProBindingSource).
Super Class
System.Enum class (from the .NET Framework)
The ProBindingSource exposes an ABL BLOB field (a Binary Large Object) to any bound .NET control as a .NET System.Byte[] data type. Before binding a BLOB to a particular .NET control, check the .NET control’s user documentation to see if it can render the type of file that the BLOB represents.
For example, if you bind an image BLOB to a Microsoft DataGridView, the grid represents the BLOB as a Systems.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewImageColumn class. If the BLOB is not in a recognized format, the class throws an error. If you bind the same BLOB to an UltraGrid from the OpenEdge Advanced UI Controls, the grid represents the BLOB as an UltraGridColumn of the System.Byte[] data type. In order to display the image, you must then add an editor control to the column using something like the following code:
myGrid:DisplayLayout:Bands[0]:Columns[1]:Editor = 
  NEW Infragistics.Win.EmbeddableImageRender().
The ProBindingSource exposes an ABL CLOB field (a Character Large Object) to any bound .NET control as a .NET System.String data type. Be sure that the .NET control can handle that data type.
See also 
Progress.Data.ColumnPropDesc class

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