Return type:
Applies to:
Read( INPUT TABLE-HANDLE tt-handle )Read( INPUT TABLE-HANDLE tt-handle,INPUT omit-initial-values AS LOGICAL )
FALSE directs the AVM to include all temp-table field data in the JSON. The default value of the expression is FALSE. If you specify the Unknown value (?), the method uses the default value of FALSE.The ABL READ-JSON( ) method always populates created records with initial values from the temp-table or ProDataSet definition. Other applications might not do this.When a temp-table handle is passed to JsonArray:Read( ), the JsonArray is set to a series of objects representing each row in the temp table. The following is a temp-table definition that is passed to JsonArray:Read( ):
[{“CustNum”: 1, “Name”: “Lift Tours”, “NewCust”: false },{“CustNum”: 2, “Name”: “FlyByNight”, “NewCust”: true }]
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