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(Windows only; GUI for .NET only)
A shadow window widget is a window associated with a .NET form that allows .NET forms and ABL windows to have parenting relationships to each other. A shadow window has no visible representation. It exists solely to support a .NET form and its relationship to ABL windows in an ABL session.
You cannot explicitly create or delete a shadow window. The ABL virtual machine (AVM) automatically creates an associated shadow window when you instantiate a .NET form from the OpenEdge .NET Progress.Windows.Form class, and it automatically deletes the associated shadow window when you delete an instance Progress.Windows.Form.
The SHADOW-WINDOW widget does not support any methods.
The SHADOW-WINDOW widget does not support any events.
To obtain the shadow window handle of a .NET form, read the ProWinHandle property of the associated Progress.Windows.Form instance.
Shadow windows have no NEXT-SIBLING attribute or PREV-SIBLING attribute and therefore do not appear on the session window chain.
ABL does not create shadow windows for .NET forms that you instantiate from the System.Windows.Forms.Form class. Progress Software Corporation recommends that you always instantiate such forms from Progress.Windows.Form.
See also 
Progress.Windows.Form class, ProWinHandle property, WINDOW widget

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