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SHA1-DIGEST function
Hashes the specified data using the United States Government Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1), and returns a 20-byte binary message digest value as a RAW value.
SHA1-DIGEST( data-to-hash [ , hash-key ] )
The source data to hash. The data may be of type CHARACTER, LONGCHAR, RAW, or MEMPTR. If the data is a CHARACTER or LONGCHAR value, the AVM converts it to UTF-8 (which ensures a consistent value regardless of code page settings). To avoid this automatic conversion, specify a RAW or MEMPTR value.
An optional key value to use in the hash operation. The key may be of type CHARACTER, LONGCHAR, RAW, or MEMPTR. If the key is a CHARACTER or LONGCHAR value, the AVM converts it to UTF-8 (which ensures a consistent value regardless of code page settings). To avoid this automatic conversion, specify a RAW or MEMPTR value. This key value is combined with the source data before the hash operation begins.
If the hash-key value contains a null character, the null character is included in the hash operation.
See also 
MD5-DIGEST function, MESSAGE-DIGEST function

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