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DBTASKID function
Returns an INTEGER value that uniquely identifies a database’s transaction.
DBTASKID ( integer-expression | logical-name | alias )
The sequence number of a database the ABL session is connected to. For example, DBTASKID(1) returns information on the first database the ABL session is connected to, DBTASKID(2) returns information on the second database the ABL session is connected to, etc. If you specify a sequence number that does not correspond to a database the ABL session is connected to, the DBTASKID function returns the Unknown value (?).
logical-name or alias
A character expression that evaluates to the logical name or alias of a database that is connected to the current ABL session. If the character expression does not evaluate to the logical name or alias of a connected database, DBTASKID returns the Unknown value (?).
DBTASKID does not support Progress databases prior to Progress Version 8. DBTASKID returns the Unknown value (?) for DataServers, Version 7 Progress databases, and the temp-table database.
See also 
DBCODEPAGE function, DBCOLLATION function, DBTYPE function, DBVERSION function, LDBNAME function

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