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GET-BYTES function
Returns the specified number of bytes, from the specified location, into a RAW or MEMPTR variable.
GET-BYTES( source , position , numbytes )
An expression that evaluates to a RAW or MEMPTR value indicating the source location. If source is the Unknown value (?), GET-BYTES returns the Unknown value (?).
An integer value greater than 0 indicating the byte position of the first byte to get. If position is greater than the length of source, the AVM returns the Unknown value (?). If position is less than 1, the AVM generates a run-time error.
An integer value greater than 0 indicating how many bytes to return as a RAW value. If position plus numbytes is greater than the size of source, the AVM returns the Unknown value (?).
If the variable that accepts the returned data is a RAW variable and numbytes is greater than its length but less than or equal to 32K, the AVM increases the size of the variable to numbytes.
If either the source location, source, or the variable that accepts the returned data is a RAW value, and numbytes is greater than 32K, the AVM generates a run-time error.
If the variable that accepts the returned data is a MEMPTR variable and numbytes is greater than its length, the AVM generates a run-time error.
See also 
PUT-BYTES statement

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