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Adds character data to the XML document represented by a SAX-writer object.
Return type:
Applies to:
WRITE-FRAGMENT ( { chardata | longchar | x-noderef } )
An expression that evaluates to a CHARACTER variable that contains the XML text.
An expression that evaluates to a LONGCHAR variable that contains the XML text.
A valid X-NODEREF handle that contains the XML text.
Call this method to add un-escaped CHARACTER data to the XML document. This allows the adding of XML fragments to the document without the special characters being escaped to their XML representation. For example, "<" escapes to &lt;. It is up to the developer to ensure that the characters written are proper XML with the correct characters escaped. Even if the STRICT attribute is TRUE, the SAX-writer will not validate what is written.
You can call this method at any time during the write. This method changes the WRITE-STATUS attribute to SAX-WRITE-CONTENT.

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