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WRITE( ) method (Socket)
Writes data to the socket.
Return type:
Applies to:
WRITE ( buffer , position , bytes-to-write )
A MEMPTR expression which contains data which should be written to the socket.
An integer expression greater than 0 that indicates the starting byte position within buffer which should be written to the socket.
An integer expression that specifies the number of bytes to be written to the socket.
WRITE( ) returns TRUE if the write operation succeeded normally and returns FALSE otherwise. An error can occur if:
This method expects buffer to identify a MEMPTR variable which already has a region of memory associated with it. The developer must call the SET-SIZE statement to allocate memory and associate it with a MEMPTR variable. It is the responsibility of the developer to free this memory, also via the SET-SIZE statement. The WRITE method will fail if the size of buffer is less than bytes-to-write.
Even if the WRITE( ) method returns TRUE, not all the bytes may have actually been written. To find out how many bytes were written, check the BYTES-WRITTEN attribute.

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