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BUFFER-COPY statement
Performs a bulk copy of a source record to a target record by copying each source field to the target field of the same name. You can specify a list of fields to exclude from the bulk copy, or a list of fields to include in the bulk copy. You can also specify WHEN...THEN phrases. For each such phrase, BUFFER-COPY executes the THEN portion if the corresponding WHEN portion evaluates to TRUE.
BUFFER-COPY source [ { EXCEPT | USING } field ... ]
  TO target [ ASSIGN assign-expression ... ] [ NO-LOBS ] [ NO-ERROR ]
The source database table, buffer, temp-table, or work table.
EXCEPT field ...
A list of space-separated source fields to exclude from the bulk copy.
USING field ...
A list of space-separated source fields to include in the bulk copy. The USING option is simply a positive version of the EXCEPT option.
TO target
The source database table, buffer, temp-table, or work table.
ASSIGN assign-expression
A space-separated list of any valid ABL ASSIGN statements (without the EXCEPT option, which BUFFER-COPY already provides). BUFFER-COPY performs each assign-expression and automatically excludes the field on the left side (“destination”) of each assign-expression from the bulk copy-except for field extents (subscripted fields). If a field extent appears on the left side of an assign-expression, BUFFER-COPY does not automatically exclude that extent (such as customer.mnth-sales[1]) or the field as a whole (such as customer.mnth-sales) from the bulk copy.
Directs the AVM to ignore large object data when copying records that contain BLOB or CLOB fields.
Suppresses ABL errors or error messages that would otherwise occur and diverts them to the ERROR-STATUS system handle. If an error occurs, the action of the statement is not done and execution continues with the next statement. If the statement fails, any persistent side-effects of the statement are backed out. If the statement includes an expression that contains other executable elements, like methods, the work performed by these elements may or may not be done, depending on the order the AVM resolves the expression elements and the occurrence of the error.
To check for errors after a statement that uses the NO-ERROR option:
Check if the ERROR-STATUS:NUM-MESSAGES attribute is greater than zero to see if the AVM generated error messages. ABL handle methods used in a block without a CATCH end block treat errors as warnings and do not raise ERROR, do not set the ERROR-STATUS:ERROR attribute, but do add messages to the ERROR-STATUS system handle. Therefore, this test is the better test for code using handle methods without CATCH end blocks. ABL handle methods used in a block with a CATCH end block raise ERROR and add messages to the error object generated by the AVM. In this case, the AVM does not update the ERROR-STATUS system handle.
Use ERROR-STATUS:GET-MESSAGE( message-num ) to retrieve a particular message, where message-num is 1 for the first message.
If the statement does not include the NO-ERROR option, you can use a CATCH end block to handle errors raised by the statement.
Some other important usage notes on the NO-ERROR option:
Excludes from the bulk copy all EXCEPT field fields, and all assign-expression fields on the left side of the assignment
Performs each assign-expression in the ASSIGN option, one-by-one
When copying records that contain a BLOB or CLOB field, the AVM copies the object data associated with the source record to the target record. If the BLOB or CLOB field in the source record contains the Unknown value (?), the AVM stores the Unknown value (?) in the BLOB or CLOB field of the target record. If the target record already has object data associated with it, the AVM deletes that object data before copying the new object data.
Use the NO-LOBS option with the BUFFER-COPY statement to ignore large object data when copying records that contain BLOB or CLOB fields. More specifically:
You can also use the EXCEPT option to exclude BLOB and CLOB fields from the copy.
See also 

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