For menu items, the value of this attribute is either "NORMAL",
"SKIP", or
"NORMAL" is the default—a menu item that can be chosen, a toggle-box item, or read-only text. (In this case the READ-ONLY and TOGGLE-BOX attributes determine the specific type of the menu item.)
"SKIP" specifies a blank line in the menu.
"RULE" specifies a visible horizontal line in the menu.
For combo boxes, the value of this attribute is either "SIMPLE",
"DROP-DOWN-LIST". The DROP-DOWN-LIST subtype is the default. The SIMPLE and DROP-DOWN subtypes apply only to character-field or character-variable combo-box widgets in graphical interfaces only, and only in Windows. If you set the subtype of a combo-box widget to
"DROP-DOWN" in a character interface, the AVM treats the combo-box widget as having the
"DROP-DOWN-LIST" subtype.
For fill-ins, the value of this attribute is either "PROGRESS" or
"PROGRESS" is the default. If set to
"PROGRESS", the fill-in widget has the behavior of a standard ABL field in character mode. Otherwise, the field has the behavior of a fill-in that is native to the current graphical environment. The NATIVE option of the VIEW-AS phrase specifies that the field adhere to the native behavior of the current window system or environment.