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(Windows only)
Determines whether an icon for the window appears in the taskbar and in the task-switching window displayed when ALT+TAB is pressed.
Data type:
Applies to:
Applications that display several windows might want only the main window to have an icon on the taskbar.
This attribute defaults to TRUE. If SMALL-TITLE is set to TRUE, the SHOW-IN-TASKBAR attribute will be set to FALSE because, in general, a tool palette should not have an icon in the taskbar. You can override this behavior by setting the SHOW-IN-TASKBAR attribute to TRUE after setting the SMALL-TITLE attribute to TRUE.
If a window that does not appear in the taskbar is minimized, Windows shrinks the window so only the title bar is visible. Windows displays the window at the bottom of the screen. This is standard behavior, but might be unexpected to people who are used to finding minimized windows in the taskbar.
The SHOW-IN-TASKBAR attribute must be set before the window is realized.
The Windows taskbar (through a user property setting) can direct that all minimized windows from the same application be grouped under one taskbar icon. However, the icons for ABL windows whose SHOW-IN-TASKBAR attribute you set to TRUE always appear individually on the taskbar, regardless of taskbar property settings, because ABL does not support this window grouping feature of the taskbar.
.NET forms also have a ShowInTaskbar property (provided by the Progress.Windows.Form class in OpenEdge) that corresponds to the SHOW-IN-TASKBAR window attribute. However, .NET forms typically do conform to the taskbar window grouping setting and might well do so when combined with ABL windows in an ABL session, subject to control by the operating system.

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