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Selects (and highlights) the text in a widget between two specified character offsets.
Return type:
Applies to:
SET-SELECTION ( start-pos , end-pos )
An integer expression that specifies the offset of the first character to be selected.
An integer expression that specifies the offset of the first character after the selection.
This method selects the text that begins at the offset start-pos and ends at the offset
end-pos . If the operation is successful, the method returns TRUE. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
This operation produces a different result depending on the platform. In Windows GUI platforms, ABL measures character offset positions between characters. On non-Windows GUI or character platforms, ABL measures character offset positions on characters.
In Windows, both the regular editor and the large editor support SET-SELECTION.
For browses, this method applies only to fill-in and combo-box browse columns.

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