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SET-BREAK( ) method
Sets a breakpoint for a debugging session.
Return type:
Applies to:
SET-BREAK ( [ procedure [ , line-number ] ] )
A character expression that specifies the name of the procedure in which you want to set the breakpoint. The specified procedure does not have to exist at the time the breakpoint is set. If you do not specify procedure, the method sets the breakpoint at the next executable line of the current procedure.
An integer expression that specifies the line number in procedure (based at line 1 of the debug listing) where you want to set the breakpoint. A positive integer greater than or equal to 1 represents a line number in the specified procedure file. Zero (0) or a negative integer value represents the first executable line of the main procedure block in the specified procedure file. If you do not specify line-number, the method sets the breakpoint at the first executable line of procedure file. If line-number is greater than the last executable line number, the method sets the breakpoint at the last executable line of procedure. If line-number does not specify an executable line, the method sets the breakpoint at the next executable line after the line specified by line-number.
If the Debugger is initialized, this method returns TRUE. Otherwise, it returns FALSE with no effect. For more information, see the reference entry for the DEBUGGER system handle.
Note that the Debugger sets breakpoints on physical lines—not statements. If you invoke DEBUGGER:SET-BREAK( ) on a line that contains other executable statements, all the other statements on that line execute before the breakpoint occurs on the next executable line. This is true whether the statements appear on the same line before or after the invocation of the SET-BREAK( ) method.
If you invoke DEBUGGER:SET-BREAK ( procedure , line-number ) on the same line that is specified by procedure and line-number, the specified line executes the first time without breaking. The breakpoint occurs only on the second and succeeding executions of the line.

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