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SEARCH( ) method
Searches for a specified string in an editor widget starting from the current text cursor position. For graphical interfaces only, the string is highlighted when found.
Return type:
Applies to:
SEARCH ( string , flag )
The character-string expression for which to search.
An integer expression that specifies the type of search to be performed.
The flag expression determines what type of search to perform. Table 105 lists the flag values that correspond to each search type.
For a single search operation, you cannot specify both FIND-NEXT-OCCURRENCE and FIND-PREV-OCCURRENCE. Any other combination of these flags is valid. To do multiple searches, you add the flag values. For example, you can specify FIND-PREV-OCCURRENCE and FIND-WRAP-AROUND by adding their flag values, 2 and 16, to get SEARCH(string, 18).
If the operation is successful, the method returns TRUE.

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