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ROW-STATE attribute
The current change state of the ProDataSet temp-table row associated with the buffer object handle.
Data type:
Applies to:
When the TRACKING-CHANGES attribute is set to TRUE for a ProDataSet temp-table, the AVM tracks changes to the data in that temp-table using a before-image temp-table that contains the original version of each row. You can think of the temp-table itself as the after-image because it contains the latest version of each row.
Every row in the after-image table that has been modified or created corresponds to a row in the before-image table. Deleted rows do not appear in the after-image table, because it reflects the current state of the data. Every row in the before-image table has a non-zero ROW-STATE, because every row is the before-image of a deleted, created, or modified row in the after-image table. Unchanged rows do not appear in the before-image table.
You can use the ROW-STATE attribute on each row in either the after-image table or the before-image table to determine whether a row has changed and how it has changed.
The possible values can be expressed as compiler constants. Table 103 lists these values.
Table 103:

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