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ROW attribute
The row position of the top edge of the widget relative to the top edge of the current iteration of a parent widget or the display. Specifies the row position of the mouse cursor for the last mouse event relative to the top edge of the display.
Data type:
Applies to:
This attribute is read-only for browse columns, field groups, and the LAST-EVENT handle.
For all widgets except windows, the ROW attribute specifies the location, in character units, of the top edge of the widget relative to the top edge of its parent widget. In windows, the location is relative to the top edge of the display.
For a browse column, the ROW attribute returns the Unknown value (?) if the column is hidden.
If the parent is a down frame with multiple occurrences, the ROW attribute regards the parent as the current occurrence.
For control-frames, the ROW attribute maps to the Top property of the control-frame COM object (ActiveX control container).
For the LAST-EVENT handle, the ROW attribute specifies the row location, in character units, of the last mouse event relative to the top edge of the current frame.
This attribute is functionally equivalent to the Y attribute.

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