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QUERY attribute
The handle of the query connected to a browse widget, a buffer object, a data-relation object, or a data-source object.
Data type:
Applies to:
If you change the value of a browse’s QUERY attribute, you connect the browse to a different query, which contains a different set of records.
For a browse query in Windows platforms:
For a browse query on Character Mode platforms:
For a buffer object, this attribute returns the handle to the query currently associated with the buffer (if any). If the buffer does not have an associated query, this attribute returns the Unknown value (?). This attribute is also read-only for a buffer object.
For a data-relation object, this attribute returns the handle to the default dynamic query for a child buffer in the relation. This automatically generated query expresses the relation between parent and child temp-tables, and lets you navigate the child records. This handle cannot be set, and the query cannot be modified except by using the WHERE-STRING attribute.
For a data-source object, this attribute associates a query with a dynamic data-source object. To disassociate the query and data-source object, set this attribute to the Unknown value (?). You can also use the FILL-WHERE-STRING attribute to override the WHERE clause in the query.
See also:

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