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Specifies whether an external procedure should be invoked as persistent, single-run, or singleton.
Data type:
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This attribute holds a value of "PERSISTENT", "SINGLE-RUN", or "SINGLETON" (not case sensitive), and defaults to the Unknown value (?). Setting this attribute to any other value will result in a run-time error.
When a dynamic invocation returns and PROCEDURE-TYPE is set to "PERSISTENT", the IN-HANDLE attribute will hold a handle to the running persistent procedure. When a dynamic invocation returns and PROCEDURE-TYPE is set to SINGLE-RUN or SINGLETON, the IN-HANDLE attribute will hold a handle to the single-run or singleton procedure.
Setting PROCEDURE-TYPE to "PERSISTENT" will automatically set the PERSISTENT attribute to TRUE. Likewise, setting the PERSISTENT attribute to TRUE will automatically set PROCEDURE-TYPE to "PERSISTENT". Setting the PROCEDURE-TYPE and PERSISTENT attributes to conflicting values, e.g., PERSISTENT as TRUE and PROCEDURE-TYPE as "SINGLE-RUN", will result in a run-time error.
Applies to:

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