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THIS-OBJECT statement
A statement that invokes an overloaded constructor as the first statement in another overloaded constructor within the same defining class.
THIS-OBJECT ( [ parameter [ , parameter ] ... ] )
( [ parameter [ , parameter ] ... ] )
Specifies zero or more parameters passed to the specified overloaded constructor. You must match the parameters identified by the called constructor with respect to number, data type, and mode, and you must specify sufficient information for each parameter to disambiguate the specified constructor from all other constructors in the class. Otherwise, ABL raises an error identifying the ambiguity.
For information on the parameter passing syntax and disambiguating overloaded constructors, see the Parameter passing syntax reference entry.
If you invoke an overloaded constructor in the defining class using THIS-OBJECT, if the constructor that you invoke does not, itself, invoke another overloaded constructor in the defining class, it must invoke a constructor in the immediate super class, either implicitly or explicitly using the SUPER statement.
See also 
CONSTRUCTOR statement, Parameter passing syntax, SUPER statement, THIS-OBJECT system reference

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