PAUSEnBEFORE-HIDEMESSAGE message NO-MESSAGEIN WINDOW windowSpecifies the pause action the user must take whenever frames are hidden automatically. If you specify n, n is the number of seconds the AVM pauses before hiding. If you do not specify n, the pause lasts until the user presses a key.MESSAGE messageDisplays the message “Press spacebar to continue” on the status line of the terminal screen when the AVM encounters a PAUSE statement. Use the MESSAGE option to override that default message. A message is a constant character string.IN WINDOW windowSpecifies the window to which the pause action applies. The value window must be a handle to a window. If you do not use the IN WINDOW phrase, the PAUSE statement applies to the current window.
PAUSE 2 BEFORE-HIDE MESSAGE "Pausing 2 seconds".
FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WITH 13 DOWN:DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name.END.
Using the PAUSE n BEFORE-HIDE statement is a good way to write a demonstration application that runs by itself.
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