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NUM-LOG-FILES attribute
The number of rolled over log files to keep on disk at any one time, for ABL session, including the current log file.
Data type:
Applies to:
Valid values are:
0 — This means there is no limit on the number of log files to keep.
2 or greater — The default is 3.
The NUM-LOG-FILES attribute corresponds to the Number of Log Files to Keep (-numlogfiles) startup parameter.
For ABL clients, use the LOG-MANAGER’s LOG-THRESHOLD attribute or the Log Threshold (-logthreshold) startup parameter to specify the file size at which OpenEdge rolls over (renames and saves) log files.
For DataServers, use the Log Threshold (-logthreshold) startup parameter to specify the file size at which the DataServer context will roll over (renames and saves) its log files when using self-service clients or ProBroker. When using the Unified Broker, specify the srvrNumLogFiles attribute for the DataServer instance in the file.
For more information about the Number of Log Files to Keep (-numlogfiles) and Log Threshold (-logthreshold) startup parameters, see OpenEdge Deployment: Startup Command and Parameter Reference, OpenEdge Data Management: DataServer for Microsoft SQL Server, and OpenEdge Development: Debugging and Troubleshooting.

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