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Copies the contents of an XML X-noderef node to a MEMPTR. This makes it easier to manipulate when its length exceeds the ABL limit for text strings, which is approximately 32K.
Return type:
Applies to:
An expression of type MEMPTR.
NODE-VALUE-TO-MEMPTR( ) frees the memory currently allocated by memptr (if any), allocates sufficient memory to the MEMPTR to accommodate the node, and copies the node to the MEMPTR.
If X-NODEREF:NODE-VALUE is “” (the empty string), the resulting memptr has a size of zero.
When you no longer need the memory used by memptr, you must free it yourself. To do so, use the SET-SIZE statement.
The following fragment uses NODE-VALUE-TO-MEMPTR( ) to access a large text node in chunks:
IF my-xnoderef:SUBTYPE = "#TEXT" THEN DO:
  IF LENGTH(my-xnoderef:NODE-VALUE, "RAW") > 32000 THEN DO:
      succes = my-xnoderef:NODE-VALUE-TO-MEMPTR(my-memptr)
      pos    = 1
      len    = 32000.
    DO WHILE pos < GET-SIZE(my-memptr):
      my-nodeval = GET-STRING(my-memptr, pos, len).
      /* Do something with my-nodeval */
      pos = pos + len.
    SET-SIZE(my-memptr) = 0.
    my-nodeval = my-xnoderef:NODE-VALUE.
For more information on accessing XML documents using the Document Object Model (DOM) interface, see OpenEdge Development: Working with XML.

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