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(Graphical interfaces only)
Sets the minimum width of a browse column in character units. If the browse has not been realized, all browse columns are minimally this size when realized. If the browse has been realized, any browse column smaller than the specified minimum is increased to the minimum width.
Data type:
Applies to:
The default value for the MIN-COLUMNS-WIDTH-CHARS attribute is equivalent to 1 pixel and depends on the display resolution and the size of the default font of the system.
An error occurs if you attempt to programmatically set the width of a browse column to a value smaller than the value specified with the MIN-COLUMN-WIDTH-CHARS attribute.
If COLUMN-RESIZABLE is set to TRUE, the user cannot change a column’s width to be less than the minimum width specified with the MIN-COLUMN-WIDTH-CHARS attribute.
The MIN-COLUMN-WIDTH CHARS attribute affects the FIT-LAST-COLUMN attribute. Therefore, if you set FIT-LAST-COLUMN to TRUE, the last browse column is only resized to fit within the viewport if its width is no smaller than the minimum width. See the FIT-LAST-COLUMN attribute for more information about the FIT-LAST-COLUMN attribute.
When you assign a decimal value to an attribute representing a measurement in character units, the AVM automatically rounds the assigned value to the nearest decimal value that corresponds to whole pixel units.

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