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LOAD-IMAGE-UP( ) method

(Windows only; Graphical interfaces only)
Reads the image contained in a specified file. The image is used for the button in its up state. The image is also used for the down state if a separate down image is not specified. This method is equivalent to the LOAD-IMAGE( ) method.
Return type:
Applies to:
LOAD-IMAGE-UP ( filename [ , x-offset , y-offset , width , height ] )
A character-string expression that specifies a full or relative pathname for a file that contains an image to display in a button when the button is in its up state.
An integer expression that specifies the pixel along the x-axis at which to begin reading from the image file.
An integer expression that specifies the pixel along the y-axis at which to begin reading from the image file.
An integer expression that specifies the number of pixels along the x-axis to read from the image file.
An integer expression that specifies the number of pixels along the y-axis to read from the image file.
The image is not displayed until the button is realized. If the read is successful, the method returns TRUE.
In Windows, you can specify a URL pathname. If you specify a fully-qualified URL, LOAD-IMAGE-UP( ) loads the image file directly without searching directories or URLs in PROPATH. Valid URL protocols include HTTP and HTTPS.
URL pathnames cannot contain the percent symbol (%). If an error exists in a URL specified on the PROPATH, the LOAD-IMAGE-UP( ) method continues searching with the next PROPATH entry.
If you specify URL pathnames on the PROPATH and your application repeatedly uses the LOAD-IMAGE-UP( ) method with a URL pathname, you can improve performance by using the SEARCH function once to determine the full URL pathname to the directory containing the image files. Use this value to create a fully-qualified URL pathname for filename and avoid repeated searches of the PROPATH.

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