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LoadControls( ) method

(Windows only; Graphical interfaces only)
Loads the control from a specified control file into the specified control-frame. This method loads the specified control along with all of its design-time property values.
Return type:
Applies to:
LoadControls ( control-filename , control-frame-name )
The name and extension of a control (.wrx) file associated with the current external procedure that is created by the AppBuilder at design time. The filename can contain Unicode characters. See OpenEdge Development: Internationalizing Applications for more information about Unicode.
A character-string expression that specifies the section of the control file that contains the control. Typically, this section name is also the name of the control-frame defined by the AppBuilder at design time.
References to COM object properties and methods extend the syntax used for referencing widget attributes and methods. For more information, see the “Accessing COM object properties and methods” section.
In a future release, this method loads multiple controls into a control-frame.

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