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INITIATE( ) method
Initializes the Debugger, but does not pass control to the Debugger immediately. To start the Debugger from the procedure in application mode, you must set a breakpoint using the SET-BREAK( )method that the procedure encounters. When the procedure encounters the breakpoint, the Debugger takes control of the procedure at that point.
Return type:
Applies to:
If the INITIATE( ) method successfully initializes the Debugger or the Debugger is already initialized, the method returns TRUE. Otherwise, it returns FALSE with no effect.
All other Debugger attributes and methods (except the DEBUG( ) method) have no effect unless you first initialize the Debugger with this method or start the Debugger from the OpenEdge ADE. If the Debugger is already initialized and running (for example, by running ABL with the -debug startup parameter), this method has no effect.

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