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Returns index information in a comma-separated list for the ith index in the buffer’s table.
The returned comma-separated list consists of the following in the specified order:
Return type:
Applies to:
The relative number of the buffer table’s index for which you want information.
When the index argument, i, is beyond the number of indices in the table or is otherwise invalid, the Unknown value (?) is returned.
The following code fragment requests information about the third index in the customer table:
buffCustHdl = BUFFER Customer:HANDLE.
IndexVar = buffCustHdl:INDEX-INFORMATION(3).
The returned string would look like: “CustNum,1,1,0,CustNum,0" which means that the third index in the Customer table is called “CustNum”. It is unique and primary, and is not a word index and it consists of one ascending component, CustNum.

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