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HonorReturnKey property

(Windows only; Graphical interfaces only)
Determines who processes the RETURN key: the AVM, or the ActiveX control to which the property applies.
If the property is TRUE, the AVM intercepts the key and processes it as a normal ABL RETURN key event. If the property is FALSE, which is the default, the keystroke is sent to the ActiveX control for processing.
Data type:
Applies to:
If a frame has a default button and an ActiveX control, and you want the RETURN key to activate the default button regardless of who has focus, you must set the HonorReturnKey property of the ActiveX control to TRUE. Similarly, if a frame has a default button and several ActiveX controls, and you want the RETURN key to activate the default button regardless of who has focus, you must set the HonorReturnKey property of all the ActiveX controls in the frame to TRUE.
This property resembles the HonorProKeys property, which governs processing of several other keys, but whereas the default setting for HonorReturnKey is FALSE (the ActiveX control gets the event), the default setting for HonorProKeys is TRUE (the AVM gets the event).

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