IMAGE-SIZE IMAGE-SIZE-CHARS IMAGE-SIZE-PIXELSwidth BY heightFROM X n Y n ROW n COLUMN nFILE nameA character expression that specifies the name of an operating system file that contains an image. If you do not specify a full pathname, ABL searches your PROPATH for the file. If you do not supply a suffix, ABL searches for files with the extension .bmp, .ico, or .cur in Windows. The image contained within the file must be in a format that is appropriate for the target platform. The file is not read until the image is displayed. The filename can contain Unicode characters. See OpenEdge Development: Internationalizing Applications for more information about Unicode.IMAGE-SIZE IMAGE-SIZE-CHARSSpecifies the width of the image. The value width must be an integer constant. If the image is larger than the size you specify, the AVM crops the image to the specified size.Specifies the height of the image. The value height must be an integer constant. If the image is larger than the size you specify, the AVM crops the image to the specified size.Two integer constants (n) that specify the offset inside the image file where the AVM starts reading the image. If you specify X and Y, the offset is measured in pixels; if you specify ROW and COL, the offset is measured in characters.See the DEFINE IMAGE statement reference entry for an example.
In Windows, you can specify a URL pathname. If you do not specify a fully-qualified URL, ABL searches in the PROPATH for the file. Valid URL protocols include HTTP and HTTPS.
Note: URL pathnames cannot contain the percent symbol (%). If an error exists in a URL specified on the PROPATH, ABL continues searching with the next PROPATH entry.
Table 43 lists the image file formats that are currently supported for use on button and image widgets.
Table 43: .bmp .cal .clp .cut .dcx .dib .eps .gif 1 .ica .ico .iff .img .jbig .jpg .lv .mac .msp .pcd .pct .pcx .png .psd .ras .tga .tif .wbmp .wmf .wpg .xbm (also .bm) .xpm .xwd
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