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GET-ITERATION( ) method (Data Objects)
Returns the buffer handle at a given level of iteration during a recursive FILL of a ProDataSet.
Return type:
Applies to:
An integer expression indicating the level of iteration.
As a recursive ProDataSet FILL is proceeding, it creates clones of the relevant buffers, relations, queries and data-sources for each level of recursion. As a new record is added to the ProDataSet, it fires FILL events on the recursed, cloned buffer. From inside the event handler, you may want to see previous iterations of the buffer; its parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, and so on. GET-ITERATION( ) returns the buffer handle at a specified recursion level.
If the buffer object handle does not point to a ProDataSet temp-table or is not part of a recursive data-relation, GET-ITERATION returns the Unknown value (?).
See also:

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