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EXPANDABLE attribute

(Graphical interfaces only)
Indicates whether the AVM extends the right-most browse column to the right edge of the browse. This covers white space that appears when the browse is wider than the sum of the widths of the browse columns.
Data type:
Applies to:
If you set a browse’s EXPANDABLE attribute to TRUE, the AVM extends the right-most browse column to the right edge of the browse, if necessary, to cover any white space that might appear-unless you explicitly set the width of the right-most browse column using the WIDTH-CHARS or WIDTH-PIXELS attribute. The right-most browse column expands to the right anytime the browse or another browse column is resized.
If the browse has a horizontal scroll bar, no white space appears between the right-most browse column and the right edge of the browse, and the right-most browse column does not expand to the right.
If EXPANDABLE is TRUE and a browse column’s VISIBLE attribute is changed, the last column’s width may be changed.
When adding dynamic browse columns to a browse, it is best to keep EXPANDABLE turned off until all columns are added.

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