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Allows you to create or update a buffer object’s table without executing update triggers such as CREATE, WRITE, DELETE or ASSIGN.
Return type:
Applies to:
DISABLE-LOAD-TRIGGERS ( allow-replication )
A LOGICAL expression indicating whether to disable or allow replication triggers. When TRUE, replication triggers are allowed to run, including the DELETE trigger. When FALSE, all triggers are disabled.
To run this method, you must have CAN-LOAD privileges for the table.
Triggers cannot be loaded from a persistent procedure.
The triggers remain disabled until the procedure in which it is disabled returns.
The Disable Delete Trigger (-disabledeltrig) startup parameter disables the DELETE trigger when ALLOW-REPLICATION is on for the DISABLE TRIGGERS statement or the DISABLE-LOAD-TRIGGER() buffer method. For more information about this parameter, see OpenEdge Deployment: Startup Command and Parameter Reference.
See also:

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