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DB-CONTEXT attribute
Returns the logical database to which the DSLOG-MANAGER system handle currently applies. Valid values are any valid, connected logical name or alias for a database of a supported database type. The default value is the Unknown value (?). If you set DB-CONTEXT to an alias, it returns the logical name of the database currently assigned to that alias.
Data type:
Applies to:
Each DataServer connection is a separate entity for which you can specify different logging settings. You use this attribute at run time to specify the DataServer connection with which you are working. You must set DB-CONTEXT before accessing any other attribute or method of the DSLOG-MANAGER system handle.
If you set DB-CONTEXT to the Unknown value (?), you cannot access DSLOG-MANAGER until you reset DB-CONTEXT to a valid logical database name or alias. When the database specified in DB-CONTEXT is disconnected, the client automatically sets DB-CONTEXT to the Unknown value (?).
The following statements show how you can set this attribute:

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