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Creates a table like another existing database table or temp-table. Unlike CREATE-LIKE( ), which creates temp-table fields in metaschema _field._field-rpos order (POSITION order in the .df schema definition file) of the source table’s fields, this method creates fields in _field._order sequence.
Return type:
Applies to:
You can guarantee agreement of temp-table field order between any client and any AppServer using CREATE-LIKE-SEQUENTIAL( ), as long as the _field._order values are the same. CREATE-LIKE-SEQUENTIAL( ) uses the field order as defined in the Data Dictionary when the source is a database table.
CREATE-LIKE-SEQUENTIAL ( { src-buffer-handle-exp | src-table-name-exp }
  [ , src-index-name-exp ] )
An expression that evaluates to a buffer handle from which to copy the field definitions, and optionally, the indexes if src-index-name-exp is not specified.
An expression that evaluates to a table name from which to copy the field definitions and, optionally, the indexes if src-index-name-exp is not specified.
A character expression giving an index to be copied from the source table. If this option is specified, only this single index is copied from the source table.
This method copies the field definitions from the specified source table and establishes the default or specified source indexes. You cannot call this method after another definitional method is called unless you call CLEAR( ) first.
See also:

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