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CANCEL-BREAK( ) method
Cancels a breakpoint from a debugging session.
Return type:
Applies to:
CANCEL-BREAK ( [ procedure [ , line-number ] ] )
A character expression that specifies the name of the procedure for which you want to cancel a breakpoint. The specified procedure does not have to exist at the time the breakpoint is cancelled. If you do not specify procedure, the method cancels any breakpoint set on the line immediately following the current line. (This is different from the SET-BREAK( ) method, which sets a breakpoint on the next executable line.)
An integer expression that specifies the line number in procedure (based at line 1 of the debug listing) where you want to cancel the breakpoint. A positive integer greater than or equal to 1 represents a line number in the specified procedure file. Zero (0) or a negative integer value represents the first executable line of the main procedure block in the specified procedure file. If you do not specify line-number, the method cancels the breakpoint at the first executable line of procedure file.
If you invoke DEBUGGER:CANCEL-BREAK ( procedure , line-number ) on the same line that is specified by procedure and line-number, the existing breakpoint on the specified line occurs the first time it is executed. The breakpoint is cancelled only on the second and succeeding executions of the line.
To use this method, you must have the Application Debugger installed in your OpenEdge environment.

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