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BASE-ADE attribute
Sets the location of the ADE r-code directory. When set, the AVM adds the directory, followed by all the procedure libraries in the directory, to the PROPATH.
Data type:
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You can also specify the ADE r-code location using the ADE R-code Location (-baseADE) startup parameter. For more information about the ADE R-code Location (-baseADE) startup parameter, see OpenEdge Deployment: Startup Command and Parameter Reference.
With the BASE-ADE attribute and the ADE R-code Location (-baseADE) startup parameter, you can have multiple versions of ADE r-code on the same machine and easily switch between them.
If -baseADE is not specified at startup, SESSION:BASE-ADE has the Unknown value (?) until it is set.
When SESSION:BASE-ADE is set, the AVM adds the directory, followed by all of the procedure libraries in the directory to PROPATH. If the directory or any of the procedure libraries are already on PROPATH, the AVM does not add them.
When SESSION:BASE-ADE is set, the AVM removes all PROPATH entries representing the current ADE r-code directory and procedure libraries before adding the new PROPATH entries. The AVM adds the new PROPATH entries at the location where it removed the previous entries. The AVM only removes PROPATH entries that it added. For example, if $DLC/gui/ is part of the PROPATH, it remains on the PROPATH after BASE-ADE is set to a directory other than $DLC/gui.
If BASE-ADE is set to an empty string, the AVM removes whatever it added to PROPATH.
The AVM does not remove the ADE r-code directory or any of the procedure libraries in that directory from PROPATH, even if the PROPATH statement does not contain them. These entries are part of the base PROPATH. If -baseADE or SESSION:BASE-ADE is used, the directory and procedure libraries that the AVM adds are part of the base PROPATH and remain part of the PROPATH even if the PROPATH statement does not contain them.
SESSION:BASE-ADE modifies PROPATH. If the old PROPATH contains a procedure library that is not in the new PROPATH, the AVM automatically closes the procedure library as long as there are no procedures from the library running.
In Windows, the r-code directory name cannot contain characters outside of the non-Unicode code page. See OpenEdge Development: Internationalizing Applications for more information about Unicode and code pages.

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