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AUTO-ZAP attribute
Specifies what happens to the existing contents of the widget when the user types new information into the widget.
Data type:
Applies to:
If AUTO-ZAP is TRUE, when the user begins typing in the field, the entire initial value is erased before the user’s text appears. If AUTO-ZAP is FALSE, text entered by the user is inserted into existing text at the current cursor position in the field.
You can set AUTO-ZAP only when the fill-in or cell has input focus (its handle is equal to the FOCUS handle). Otherwise, AUTO-ZAP is TRUE when the user tabs or back-tabs into the field, highlighting text in the field. (When the user selects all text in the field, the same effect occurs without setting the AUTO-ZAP attribute.) AUTO-ZAP is FALSE when the user enters the field with the mouse pointer, positioning the text cursor in the field.
For browses, this attribute applies only to fill-in and combo-box browse columns.

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