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Attaches a data-source object to a temp-table buffer in a ProDataSet object.
Return type:
Applies to:
ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE ( datasource-hdl 
  [ [ [ , pairs-list ] , except-fields ] , include-fields ] )
A handle to the data-source object.
An optional character expression that evaluates to a comma-delimited list of field name pairs that specify a mapping between different field names in the data-source object buffer and the ProDataSet temp-table buffer using the following syntax:
"table1-field1,table2-field1[,table1-fieldn,table2-fieldn] ..."
The order within each field name pair does not matter; each pair must contain one field name from the data-source object buffer and one field name from the ProDataSet object buffer. If you have a field in both the data-source object buffer and the ProDataSet object buffer with the same, and you do not want to map them to each other, you must qualify each field name with its table name.
You can use the ATTACHED-PAIRLIST attribute to retrieve this list of field name pairs.
An optional character expression that evaluates to a comma-separated list of fields in the ProDataSet object buffer that will not be populated with data from the data source (that is, fields to exclude). Use this option when it is easier to specify fields to exclude rather than include. You can specify except-fields or include-fields, but not both.
An optional character expression that evaluates to a comma-separated list of fields to include in the ProDataSet object buffer, as an alternative to specifying fields to exclude in except-fields. Use this option when it is easier to specify fields to include rather than exclude. You can specify include-fields or except-fields, but not both. If you specify include-fields, you must set except-fields to the Unknown value (?).
See also:

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